
ADHD Group Coaching

What is ADHD Group Coaching?

A supportive, collaborative environment that meets every other week. There is a “soft structure” to meetings, which includes each person sharing:

-Celebrating (at least) one win since last meeting
-How he/she is feeling and why
-Bringing ideas, requests, updates to the group

This format ensures that all attendees will have a chance to participate in the meeting.

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Benefits of ADHD Group Coaching

ADHD Group Coaching is RMC’s most affordable option. It is great for someone to “test out” coaching for the first time. Acceptance. You are not alone. More affordable. Less “pressure”. Great for someone who is new to coaching (or desperate to get support). Accountability. Ideas.

Group Coaching Is Ideal For:

Group Coaching Package

If money is a deterrent, group coaching is a great place to start.

You will instantly have a great community. We meet twice a month, every other week, and there is a maximum of 10 people so you won’t be alone and you won’t get overwhelmed. It’s honestly one of my favorite ways to deliver the benefits of coaching because it’s so flippin’ fun and everyone makes measurable progress.


$ 325-399 Per Month
  • Affordable
  • Meet Twice Per Month
  • Max 10 people
  • Instant Community
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